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FOLLOWING one month of The Power of 99 SEN donation drive, we have successfully raised a good amount of contribution from our Tune Talk subscribers. Majority of our subscribers have contributed multiple donations in support of our East Malaysian medical frontliners that are tirelessly fighting against COVID-19.

With the collected amount, an in-kind donation worth RM 100,000 of medical supplies were delivered safely to the Malaysian Medical Association Sarawak. The care packages include N95 masks and hand sanitisers. 

The Power of 99 SEN was also previously part of a continuous effort to match the medical supplies contribution worth RM100,000 for our fellow frontliners in Sabah, through the assistance of Malaysian Medical Association Sabah.

Ameen Amaendran, Tune Talk CEO, stated, 

“A big thank you to all of our subscribers for donating to the medical frontliners, we are grateful for your contribution. Most of our subscribers have been loyal supporters of Tune Talk and we aim to provide them with only the best, especially during this unprecedented time. 
"We would also like to extend our appreciation to the Malaysian Medical Association Sabah and Sarawak for their kind co-operation in distributing the care packages to the hospitals in both states. We hope this contribution would help lessen the burden of our medical heroes in East Malaysia.”

Ameen Amaendran also added, 

“With the launch of The Power of 99 SEN, Tune Talk was the first telecommunication company in Malaysia to embark upon a COVID-19 fundraising by encouraging subscribers to donate using their mobile credit. 

"We decided on the amount 99 sen, so every subscriber can take part in making a little difference. Evidently, many people from all walks of life have supported our initiative and we believe that this fundraising would have not been a success without your help.”

Ultimately, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to all the medical heroes and other frontliners for their hard work in fighting against COVID-19. Despite the Syawal, Pesta Kaamatan and Gawai festivities, they are dedicated in taking care of the nation’s wellbeing and defending our country. 

Nonetheless, the COVID-19 war is not over. As the whole world faces with one of the greatest challenges currently, it is an important time for us to help and support one another. We hope all Malaysians will keep practicing social distancing and obey the rules to #LawanCovid19 together. Stay safe, #MalaysiaBersama!


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