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IN RECENT times, there has been a growing demand from consumers for brands to develop customised solutions for different hair types in order to attain beautifully nourished hair. 

Noticing this climate in the beauty industry, Dove as one of the world's leading personal care brands, has stepped up to launch its first advanced solutions customised range of hair conditioners featuring three new conditioners that cater to different hair types with unique levels of damage. 

The 1 Advanced Minute range consists of the Dove 1 Minute Foam Conditioner, Dove 1 Minute Milk Gel Conditioner, and Dove 1 Minute Serum Conditioner.

Based on a research done by Edelman Berland, most women want to feel empowered to wear their hair any way they want and 4 out of 5 women say their hair is part of their identity. However, about 90% of hair care products available are still designed and formulated for the same idealized idea of beautiful hair.

Speaking at the launch of Dove 1 Minute Advanced Conditioners, Dove Senior Brand Manager, Chloe Meng, said 

“We believe that providing a range of products that would cater to the needs of their different hair types will help women feel confident in themselves when it comes to their hairstyle and texture.  
We understand that in today’s era, the average woman leads a very fast-paced and hectic lifestyle thus it pushes us as a brand to continuously develop products that are innovative and effective in this time and age.”

Each of the hair conditioners have been formulated with a unique technology that caters to women that have fine and thin hair, to oily and severely damaged hair. These conditioners effectively transform and repair the hair making it beautifully soft, non-oily, and volumising in just under a minute.

The Dove 1 Minute Foam Conditioner has been designed with tiny bubbles of moisture which is a weightless repair that is best suited for thin and fine hair. The technology behind it makes the 1 Minute Foam Conditioner lighter than most conditioners available in the market. 

The Dove 1 Minute Milk Gel Conditioner is targeted for women with oily and damaged hair as it’s micro-conditioning complex ensures that the hair is not weighed down, oily or sticky. The Dove 1 Minute Serum Conditioner also provides the most concentrated level of micro-conditioning complex and moisturisation for women with thick hair who happen to have strands that are extremely coarse or have undergone extreme heat or coloring damage.

“These products are formulated with keratin repair actives, micro-conditioning complex and serum capsules that have the ability to make one’s hair silky while being deeply treated. 
We believe that hair conditioners should not be a ‘one-product-fits-all’ as different hair types require different care.“ said John Goh of R&D Deploy Manager Home & Personal Care for Dove Malaysia.

The new range of Dove 1 Minute Advanced Conditioners is now available at all Guardian and Watsons outlets. The Dove 1 Minute Foam Conditioner retails for RM21.20 while the Dove 1 Minute Milk Gel Conditioner retails for RM18.75 and the Dove 1 Minute Serum Conditioner retails at RM16.30.

[CREDIT: Dove Malaysia]

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